(AFFIP) Atrial Fibrillation FIngerPrinting: Spotting bio-electrical markers to early recognize atrial fibrillation by the use of a bottom-up approach
Project summary
Atrial fibrillation (AF) is the most common age-related cardiac rhythm disorder in the European. Early recognition of AF is essential for prevention of disease progression from recurrent intermittent episodes to finally permanent AF.
Persistence of AF is rooted in the presence of electropathology, which is defined as complex electrical conduction disorders caused by structural damage of atrial tissue.
At present treatment early recognition of AF and the start of effective treatment is seriously hampered. By exploiting electropathology, it will be possible to develop a novel diagnostic instrument to predict AF onset and early progression.
The primary objective of this project is to design a patient-specific invasive and non-invasive AF Fingerprint, which reveals the degree of electropathology and can be used to early recognize AF onset or progression in daily clinical practice.
AF Fingerprinting enables early and optimal patient tailored AF treatment, thereby improving patient’s outcome.
More detailed information
Principal Investigator:
Dr. Natasja de Groot
Role Erasmus MC:
Project website:
Funding Agency:
NWO & Hartstichting