Effect evaluation of an integrated e-Health approach in disadvantaged groups.

Project summary
Almost everyone in the Netherlands is digital. The use of a PC and smartphone is also fully present in disadvantaged groups. People use these resources successfully to participate in society. However, when it comes to health, use is lagging behind. This is on the one hand because the tools are not sufficiently aligned with the target group, and on the other hand because the tools are insufficiently embedded in the local care and prevention structures. The digital Personal Health Check (PGC) provides insight into risk factors for health and this has since been adjusted with and to the target group.
In this project we investigate how we can best implement the PGC in the local context and use it as a starting point for interventions in local care and prevention structures. In an active consortium, and with an eye for the sustainability of the intervention, we evaluate the effectiveness of this integrated eHealth approach to make full use of the health potential in the Netherlands.
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More detailed information
Principal Investigator:
Dr. M.A. Beenackers
Role Erasmus MC:
Project website:
Funding Agency: