Intercultural dementia diagnostics and care in the memory clinic
Project summary
The first big group of non-Western migrants, who arrived in the seventies will age in the near future. Because the risk factors for developing dementia is more present in this group, the chance to develop dementia is bigger. Dutch policlinics for dementia are not prepared for dealing with these non-Western patients who need a different treatment due to cultural differences, a language barrier and the relative unfamiliarity with this disease.
This research has as goal to improve the diagnostics fort his group by development of a cross-cultural (cognitive) test protocol. They will also develop a solution-based therapy that is independent of a patient’s cultural background.
This research will deliver improved diagnostics for non-Western migrants. It will also result in a recommendation for culturally competent care.
The second contribution of this project is to improve the quality of life for non-Western patients with dementia and their care takers by offering a solution-based therapy that is independent of a patients cultural background.
More detailed information
Principal Investigator:
Dr. Janne Papma
Role Erasmus MC:
Project website:
Funding Agency: