(MyPEBS) International Randomized Study Comparing personalized, Risk-Stratified to Standard Breast Cancer Screening In Women Aged 40-70

Project summary
MyPeBS addresses the crucial and timely question of the future of breast cancer screening in Europe. Indeed current standard mammographic screening, with entry stratified by age alone, has recently been largely questioned. Individual breast cancer risk estimation, now has substantial clinical and scientific bases. Personalized screening strategies, based on individual risk levels, could potentially improve the individual benefit/harms ratio of screening, and increase the cost-efficacy for health insurances. MyPEBS will conduct an international randomized phase III trial to validate this hypothesis. It will primarily assess the ability of an individual risk-based screening strategy to be non-inferior, and possibly superior, to the standard of care screening, in reducing the cumulative incidence of stage II+ breast cancers. MyPEBS will also evaluate if an individual risk-based screening strategy, compared with the standard, reduces screening-related harms in low-risk women, is overall at least as cost-effective as well as more accepted by women resulting in a larger screening coverage. After analyses of all components, the final objective of MyPEBS is to deliver recommendations for the best future breast cancer screening strategy in Europe
The objective of MyPEBS is to deliver recommendations for the best future breast cancer screening strategy in Europe.
More detailed information
Principal Investigator:
Role Erasmus MC:
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Funding Agency:
Horizon 2020