The SIX (Shoulder Injection and eXercise) Study; A pragmatic study for the treatment of persistent shoulder pain in primary care

Project summary
A Dutch general practitioner has about two patients with shoulder complaints at their consultation every week. In addition to providing information about possible causes/treatments and painkillers, according to the guideline, the general practitioner can opt for a shoulder injection or a referral to a physiotherapist. However, it is unknown which of these treatments is better for the patient, especially in the long term.
The SIX study will investigate whether patients with persistent shoulder complaints are better off with a (corticosteroid) injection in the shoulder or with a referral to a physiotherapist for an exercise program.
After 6 weeks and after 3, 6 and 12 months, all participating patients will be asked about their shoulder complaints, but also about any sleeping problems and quality of life. All medical costs and costs due to absenteeism/incapacity for work are recorded in order to be able to compare the costs and benefits of both treatments.
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More detailed information
Principal Investigator:
Prof. dr. Bart Koes
Role Erasmus MC:
Project website:
Not available
Funding Agency: