Validation of reprocessing efficacy of a duodenoscope (REDUCE)

Project summary
Recent studies describe multiple outbreaks of Multi-Drug Resistant Organisms (MDRO) related to the use of duodenoscopes. Duodenoscopes are more difficult to clean in contrast to other flexible endoscopes due to their complex design, Furthermore, flexible endoscopes are heat sensitive and can therefore not be thermally sterilized.
A new duodenoscope model has been developed that addresses the part of the duodenoscope that is prone for persistent contamination after reprocessing: the distal tip with the forceps elevator. The duodenoscope has a disposable cap which includes the forceps elevator. After each procedure the contaminated cap with forceps elevator is removed from the duodenoscope. This actions removes an important source of contamination and enables all sides and crevices of the side viewing tip to be reached by cleaning brushes. This will be a single center prospective observational in vitro study.
More detailed information
Principal Investigator:
Prof. dr. Margreet Vos
Role Erasmus MC:
Project website:
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